نسخه آرشیو شده
سه‌شنبه، ۱۳ بهمن ۱۳۸۸ | کد خبر: 49355
مراسم اختتامیه جشنواره تئاتر فجر
  • Final Day Of The 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (ILNA)
    Final Day Of The 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (ILNA)
  • Final Day Of The 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (FARS)
    Final Day Of The 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (FARS)
  • Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (IRAN THEATER)
    Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (IRAN THEATER)
  • Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (ILNA)
    Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (ILNA)
  • Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (FARS)
    Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (FARS)
  • Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (FARS)
    Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (FARS)
  • Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (IRAN THEATER)
    Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (IRAN THEATER)
  • Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (IRAN THEATER)
    Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (IRAN THEATER)
  • Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (IRAN THEATER)
    Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (IRAN THEATER)
  • Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival (IRAN THEATER)
    Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival (IRAN THEATER)
  • Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (IRAN THEATER)
    Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (IRAN THEATER)
  • Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (ISNA)
    Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (ISNA)
  • Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (IRAN THEATER)
    Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (IRAN THEATER)
  • Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (IRAN THEATER)
    Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival - (IRAN THEATER)
  • Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival (ISNA)
    Final Day Of the 28th Fajr International Theater Festival (ISNA)

بيست‌ و هشتمين جشنواره‌ تئاتر فجر با معرفی برگزيدگان به كار خود پايان داد.

در مراسم اختتاميه اين جشنواره كه شامگاه 11 بهمن‌ماه در تالار وحدت برگزار شد برگزيدگان اين جشنواره معرفی شدند.


این مطلب را به اشتراک بگذارید
