این روزها تحلیلگران بهشدت مشغول تحلیل وضعیت مقاومت فلسطینی و اسرائیل و ارزیابی پیامدهای این جنگ بر موقعیت کشورهای متحد حماس یعنی ایران و سوریه هستند.
حملات ویرانگر ارتش اسرائیل به باریکه غزه با اعلام یکجانبه آتشبس موقت توسط اسرائیل، بهطور نسبی دچار توقف شده است.
در این میان، تحلیلگران بهشدت مشغول تحلیل وضعیت مقاومت فلسطینی و اسرائیل و ارزیابی پیامدهای این جنگ بر موقعیت کشورهای متحد حماس یعنی ایران و سوریه هستند.
یک تحلیلگر نظامی اسرائیلی در مقالهای در روزنامه هاارتص گفته است که تلآویو توانسته است از این جنگ پیروز خارج شود و به این ترتیب موقعیت ایران را به نفع خود و مصر تضعیف نماید.
از دیگر سو، رهبران سیاسی و نظامی اسرائیل از پیروزی قاطع خود در این جنگ سخن به میان آورده و میگویند ارتش اسرائیل که از بابت شکست در جنگ علیه حزبالله در سال 2006 دچار بحران شده بود، روحیه خود را دوباره بازیافته است.
از منظر برخی تحلیلگران اسرائیلی، این رژیم اکنون خود را در موقعیتی احساس میکند که میتواند به هرگونه تحرکات «منفی» ایران و سوریه واکنش قاطعی نشان دهد.
اما با توجه به دادههای میدانی و وضعیت حاکم بر منطقه غزه و شهرکهای اسرائیلی که در تیررس موشکهای دستساز مقاومت فلسطینی قرار دارند، وضعیت اسرائیل و حماس را پس از 25 روز جنگ چگونه میتوان ارزیابی کرد؟
در 25 روز گذشته، ارتش اسرائیل با استفاده از پیشرفتهترین جنگافزارها و بمبهایی که منابع بینالمللی آنها را «عجیب» توصیف کردهاند، ویرانی وسیعی در مناطق مسکونی غزه به وجود آورده است. از میان 1200 کشتهشدگان فلسطینی، فقط 470 تن آنها کودکان هستند.
البته از آمار دقیق تلفات گروه حماس و سربازان و شهروندان اسرائیلی هنوز نمیتوان به دلایل مختلف اطلاعات دقیق به دست آورد و این درحالی است که تلآویو اجازه پوشش مستقل جنگ در غزه و تلفات خود در میان سربازانش یا در داخل اسرائیل را به رسانههای خارجی نداده است.
با این حال به واسطه آمار 1200 شهید و بیش از 5000 مجروح فلسطینی که شبکه پزشکان بینالمللی سه چهارم آنها را زنان، کودکان و افراد سالخورده اعلام کرده است، میتوان گفت که تلفات نیروهای مقاومت فلسطینی به حداکثر 400 کشته محدود میشود.
اینکه چه تعداد از این نیروها، نیروهای نخبه بودهاند هنوز برای رسانهها مکشوف نیست، اما گروه حماس حداقل سه فرمانده ارشد خود را از دست داده است.
در این میان سنگینترین ضربه به حماس، شهادت سعید صیام، وزیر کشور آن بود که نشان میداد این سازمان برخلاف حزبالله لبنان در حفاظت از جان رهبران خود دچار نقص بوده است.
قتل سعید صیام همچنین نشاندهنده یک پیروزی اطلاعاتی و نظامی برای اسرائیل بود که رهبران آن تلاش داشتهاند پیش از عقبنشینی نیروهای اسرائیلی، دستاوردی چشمگیر از خود به اسرائیلیها نشان داده باشند.
با این حال، باید توجه داشت اسرائیل علیرغم ویرانی گسترده و وحشیگری غیرقابل تصور علیه غیرنظامیان، نتوانست پس از تقریبا یک ماه زیرساخت نظامی و فرماندهی عملیاتی حماس و سایر گروههای مقاومت فلسطینی را متلاشی کرده و تمام دپوهای موشکی آن را نابود کند.
شلیک روزانه حداقل 20 تا 30 موشک به سمت اسرائیل، مدیریت همزمان چندین جبهه جنگ تن به تن در داخل منطقه غزه و وارد آوردن تلفات به سربازان اسرائیلی تایید کننده این ادعاست که شاکله اصلی نظامی و فرماندهی حماس دست نخورده باقی مانده است.
رهبران اسرائیل در روز نخست حمله به غزه اعلام کرده بودند متوقف ساختن شلیک موشکهای حماس، هدف اصلی یورش به غزه است.
عدم تحقق این هدف، اعلام پیروزی اسرائیل در این جنگ را قطعا زیر سوال میبرد و اکنون که این رژیم به صورت یکجانبه اعلام آتشبس داده است، حماس میگوید حاضر به اعطای هیچ تضمین امنیتی به تلآویو نیست و تنها زمانی دست از مبارزه مسلحانه بر میدارد که این رژیم به اشغال سرزمینهای فلسطینی پایان دهد.
به این ترتیب به نظر میرسد، هرچند اسرائیل برخلاف جنگ سال 2006 علیه حزبالله توانست جنگی شدیدا نابرابر را در غزه پیش برده و برخی ضربههای دردناک را به سازمان حماس و مقاومت فلسطینی وارد کند، اما هنوز برای اعلام یک پیروزی قاطع آنگونه که رهبران اسرائیل در ابتدای جنگ غزه وعده داده بودند با موانع جدی روبهرو هستند.
همین ابهام در روزهای آینده به رهبران حماس نیز اجازه خواهد داد که اسرائیل را شکست خورده این جنگ اعلام کرده و بگویند مقاومت فلسطینی هنوز در غزه حضور داشته و قادر است اشعالگران را با موشکهای خود هدف قرار دهد.
I do allow myself to call you stone age because my postulates say whoever supports aparthedi and jusify the killing of children is a stone age!
However I agree with you regarding the Chechen and i would like to add to this darfur, Afghanistan, somalia and IIraq….
We have more to say than waht you mentioned and of course no case justifies turning a blind eye on the other.
Please Check out the following site
Khanome Mehrak, unfortunately, that’s how we Iranians are “calling each others name such as “stone age”, rather than, listening to the opposing view! We talk about our 3000 years of civilization, history and religion, yet, we fail to listen to others for what they have to say. This is the very reason for our backwardness, violence and other sickness! Did I in my comment to you insult or offend you at anytime? Did you in my comment to you see any sign of anything but respect? Yet, you took it upon yourself to call me “Stone age”!
Mehrak, you don’t seem to have read the article yourself! Have you the read the article? ‘Cause it answers some of your questions. As the article says, civilian casualties in a densely populated area of Gaza is inevitable! No one ever said the war in Gaza is a picnic! It sure is one heck of a devastation. Nevertheless, we all have to put everything in perspective as to why this war started, and who stood to gain the most out of this, and you answer will be none other Islamic Republic of Iran. Because they have diverted all the attention from real issues in Iran. For every one of those pictures, I can send you 10 pictures Hamas has done not only to Israeli children, but also to it;s own people. Open your eyes!, as we say in Persian ” too da’va halva nemidan”. The civilian casualties in an area such as Gaza is inevitable. Besides, you, as an Iranian, should be concerned about your own people rather than people of Gaza! Annually, thousands of Moslems being killed by themselves and others that by far exceeds the casualties in Gaza. In Chechen 100’s of Moslems have been killed by Russians. Do you know about it? Doesn’t it bother you at all? I know what the answer to my question is. The reason it doesn’t have as much effect is, the media doesn’t want it. Else, how could you explain death of thousands of Moslems in Chechen? As you know people around the world, and Moslems are so in-sensitive about death of thousands of Chechens and other places, Think about it. You haven’t sent me your email address yet so I can send you some videos to see other version of the story. ‘Cause for every story told, there’s another version
اين مطلب را بخوني يه مقدار شايد موتورهات خنك شه.... داغ كردي ترمز بريدي - مهرك
ohhhhh…am really impressed by your clarifications.
I think fanaticism and prejudice they are all the same whether secular or religious, Christian or muslim.
Just I have to say that you are one of them as narrow minded as the fanatic religious people who hate the outsiders. Mehrak
A word with Mehrak: Death of any human being is a tragedy!
Khanome Mehrak, I don’t know where you live, but I live in the US! I have access to the Internet! Give me your email address, or if you don’t wanna give me your email address, create one at Yahoo so I can send you videos that show how Hamas is brutaly beating Palestinian men and woman. I can send you videos of Hamas picking up a child off the streets to use him as a human shield. I can send you videos of Hamas to come to a wedding of Palestinians beating up everyone on the streets because they were having fun and dancing to the music. All have been done in the name of their Allah. I also have an interesting video that clearly shows few Israeli soldiers looking down on rubbles. In the rubble there are few children! These children were Turkish devastated by the massive earth-quake in Turkey. Israeli’s happened to be there to get them out of rubbles! Hamas and Johurieh Eslami have used these videos to induce to people that the devastation has been done by Israel and the children are Palestinians. While I am not saying children were not killled by this war, you have to realize 3 million people live in a tiny urban packed area called Gaza! Come to think of it, Israelis did a great job to fight a vicious terrorist organization like Hamas with only 200 civilian casualties!
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
When I told my parents about all these, who have also turned away from ugly filthy religion of Mohammad, about the way I was treated, my mom said to me ” all our lives we were taught Jews and Israel are evil and now it’s us who have done evil to them”. This is type of mentality you followers of Mohammad and Evil have.
You and people like you are so stupid that you don’t even wanna open your eyes and see if what you are saying were indeed true, that how come Israelis were helping Iran in the past! I can bet you anything you would not treat your fellow Iranian the same way I was treated in Israel if they were Baha’i. I can bet you anything you would not treat your fellow Sunni Moslems the way I was treated by them! This is how evil you and your religion is! TEACHING HATRED TO THE MAX….Just look around you in Iran, and see the corruption in your own backyard Iran, the evil, and brutalities how Sunni’s and Shias are killing each other in Iraq, in Pakistan, or elsewhere! Or is it, as you believers always say, it’s the work of Israeli Mossad and CIA that those people are killing themselves?
I have to tell you SHAME ON YOU! You and government of Allah think I am like you guys stupid, un-educated, illiterate, bee-sharaf! And that’s how Mohammad and Ali were, to deceive, lie, loot, rape everyone that they didn’t agree with, including your ancestors in Iran. I am ashamed to be called “once a Moslem”. I have even gone so far to legally change my name, as I see this name as a disgrace to humanity. and Believe me I am well-read on the subject, and I know what kind of animals you, your government and your prophet and Emam Ali are. And believe me, I know, and I have met Israelis, and I know who they are, and everything you say about them is because of your envy and jealousy. As I said in my earlier comment here, “don’t hate them, learn from them” ..Learn why they have accomplished so much in their tiny country with only 5 million. Rather than this hatred and fear tactic that you use, learn why a country of this size is producing one or 2 Noble Prize winners a year. I know the garbage you are gonna say! That’s it’s you tax dollar that’s going to them. Even if it is, how come your Moslem country with such a huge oil revenue is screwed up? And even if it is your tax dollar, I salute them, because they have used the money for the right thing, not the corruption and deceitful practice of your government and your religion who preaches hatred and violence and poverty! As I said, check out those people I mentioned in my last comment. and in addition, check out Bahram Moshiri’s writings—- That’s if you wanna learn about the truth! Or perhaps, truth is too painful for you to learn? !
مرگ بر اسهال ناب محمدى ! مرگ بر جمهورى اسهالي مرگ بر دروغگويان ضد ايرانى
Thereeeeee we go again, Mr. Shapour! Please read thoroughly- You still refuse to tell me where you live Mr. follower of Islam! What are you afraid of?
Did you read my comments thoroughly or are you pulling my legs? Quite honestly, I think you have some extra time in your hand, but you didn’t read the comments!
Typical Moslems’ exaggeration: 1- “Millions of people were demonstrating against the Zionist”...Wow
2-All the media and all the financial institutions are run and controlled by Zionists….Wow
3-If Zionists invade Iran, the first people they kill and rape would be me and my parents! Wow…
Where did you get all these facts? But I gotta give it to you, that you must have a vivid imagination to able to make up stories like these!! Shame on you and your God-damn parents for teaching you dis-honesty, in-decency, “bee-Sharaf” , bee-vojdan! It’s them who raised you without these qualities that I call humanity! something you, your parents, your prophet, your Emam Ali don’t have, and believe me Israelis do have!
Times and again you accuse me of believing in things or saying things that aren’t simply true!! I have never said such things in my comments left here!
When did I say West or Israel, for that matter, is a utopia?! When? Either you don’t understand English, you pretend I am saying something else, or, perhaps, you are so obsessed, and drowned in hatred towards everything non-Islam that my writings make you emotional, and therefore your brain is over-whelmed with rationality and logic! Which one is it Mr. Mosalmoon? Nonetheless, That’s what Islam does to your brain! You know, I wanna give you benefit of the doubt once, and give you the opportunity to read my comments again! Perhaps only then, you would come to fully appreciate and understand my comments. But, if you wanna do it, please put your dogma or ferver aside!
Your assumption is that anyone born to a Moslem family, should stay Moslem! Even though, we both know about the “trash” that exist in Quran , Mohammad’s and Ali’s teachings. It’s your Quran that teaches in Surreh “Annessa” that a man has the right to beat up his wife. It’s in Quran and Mohammad’s teaching that says “you and I, as Moslems, have the right to kill an infidel and non-believer and rape his wife, and then sell his children as slaves. It’s in Islam that a woman’s testimony is only as good as half of a man’s! It’s your Allah government that executes 14-15 years old girls and to make sure they wouldn’t go to heaven, will have them raped the night before execution! Which one is more important to you, 14-15 years old Iranians girls getting raped and executed or Palestinian children? Which one is important to you, Iranian girls being sold to Dubai for prostitution or Palestinian people? Why don’t you answer my question? Are you mum, or your brain just like other followers of Islam has frozen?
For your info, I believed in Islam till my early teenageer. It was only then when I read about Islam, Quran, bastereds like Mohammad, Ali, Moslems’ atrocities and brutalities towards our country and elsewhere that I saw the light, and transformed myself! That was 2-3 years before the revolution in Iran. What you are saying that somehow my family’s interests lied with Shah is absolute non-sense! And quite contrary to your claim, my parents could have stood to gain more with the new government, but they refused because of their sense of patriotic values, and beliefs. Your tactics are very much typical of Moslems.
You are so full of deceptions and lies that you think I would buy the garbage you are mumbling about Israelis! Wake up and smell the coffee. I live in the United States. It’s only natural for me to have seen or met at least 10, 20 Israelis during 32 years I have lived here. Not only that, years ago the company I was working for, signed a contract with an Israeli company that made scanner devices. As a result, I had to go to Israel. With a name like Mohammad, I was to some extend anxious and worried. I even asked my manager of my anxiety. To my surprise, he laughed. When I got to Tel Aviv, I was treated with dignity and respect; that came as a shock! When I was in Israel for nearly 2 weeks, everyone in the office knew that I was a Moslem from Iran. While I was there, not even one person said anything to offend me or to insult me. They really treated me like a “Human being”. To that extend, they have even named a street in Jerusalem after “IRAN” our country and one street named after Kooroshe Kabeer! I was so touched by this that I couldn’t really belive my eye! I compared our way of treating Jews and israeli’s with they way they see us!
Mr. Moshe Tabaee!
You sound pro-Zionists because you and your family were somehow beneficiary under the Shah’s regime to plunder the counrty in the interests of the enemies of Iran. Now those illegitimate interests are gone making you furious. If this is the case which I am sure it is then I don’t blame you for your hatred toward Islam and Muslims. I just prey to God to cure your heart and mind.
Mr. Moshe Tabaee
Shame on you and your parents that named you after the prophet of Islam (PBUH) and your last name his decendent (Seyed) Shame on you. You hate otehrs because your heat is sick and needs a surgery. You are full of BS and still believe the West is utopia. Yes it is utopia for sick people like you who have blind eyes on massacre and killing of innocent people in GAZA. You were blind to see millions of protestors in front of the Zionist embassies across the globe. If Isrealis invade Iran, the first perosons they going to rape would be you and your family particularly when you name is Mohammad Tabatabaee. They will crucify you from your head You are naive and stupid. Isrealis hae no mercy for other people. Unless you change our identity and choose to be named ‘Moshe tabaee’. Isreal has the full support of the West because their finances are run by the Zionists. They have a strong lobbying power whether in the US or Europe or Australia. They own and control the media, banks , movie industry and medicine. They are very stron g and at the same time very fragile. I have lived in the west longer than your age You and people like you have no tinyiest idea what the West is You better enrich your mind with some facts and realities than just saying some nonsenses here on this site..
It seems that some people here are still living in the Stone Age.
am totally surprised and sorry to see that some say the photos and films of Israeli massacre in Gaza are faked.
Don’t you know that there are many english and non-english sources of news in the world? IF YOU REALLLY WANT TO KNOW THE REALITY, just surf the internet.
Mr. Shapour, There we go again! Typical deceitful practice by Mohammad and Ali’s followers! It was them, after all, who promoted practice of lying “taghieh”, killing infidels, raping their wives, beating up women, hatred towards everyone who doesn’t think like them; i.e. Christians, Jews, Hindu’s, non-believers, Baha’i, Zoroastrians! You call me Moshe; Did I give you the permission to call me Moshe, or is it because you guys believe everyone standing up against your lies and slanders must be Zionist or Israel Sympathizer? This is very much typical of the government of Allah and it’s criminal supporters. Anyone speaking of truth is a traiter! if that’s your definition of “traiter”, so be it! I will be proud to be called “traiter” in your dictionary!! Thousands of innocents have been persecuted, executed for the same label “traiter”. For one thing, to make the record straight, that unlike you, I am on the side of justice! And, unlike you, hiding where you live, I do live in the US, and am not ashamed of it. AND, the last but not the least, unlike you and your goverment of Allah, and especially your Prophet and Imam Ali, I am not preaching hateful ideas about anyone. It’s you and Jomhurieh Es—Hali which is propagating hatred towards Israel, Baha’is, Jews, Christians and anything that moves. Like-minded people such as myself have grown beyond your imaginations realizing the ills of our and “Moslem World societies is as a direct result of Islam and Mohammad’s hatred teachings. We are Iranians from all walks of life, from Engineers, Doctors, PhD’s, Scientist, Attorney’s who rightfully believe our enemy is not Israel or US, rather, it’s Islamic Republic of Iran and it’s supporters. And, in fact, Israel has always been a great friend to Iran. We, indeed, were so happy to see Israel’s victory over Hamas. The reason you guys have to make few imaginary enemies, because your government is so icompetent and corrupt that it has to make imaginary enemies to divert the attention from the real issues. If things in Iran are so rosey, why don’t you go back and live in this utopia? Or is it because you guys can’t even stand the stench of the filth your government have created? Besides, when did I say life in the “West” or Israel is perfect and hunky-dory? When? Did I at anytime say life in Israel or West is one rose garden? The thing is, at least their governments are honest and acknowledge their short-comings and they try to resolve their issues. This is quite contrary to the criminal incompetent goverment of Allah which is up-to-ear in corruption, deception, lies, murdering people that you love so much! Do a Google search on “wafa Sultan”, Nonie Darwish and Shoebat, maybe then, you’ll be enlightened! One more thing, get your English fixed, your poor choice of words and English structures hardly make sense. Israel is here to stay, whether, your government likes or not! پاينده ايران درود بر اسرائيل
Mr. Moshe Tabai
You are a traitor in one simple word. You are full of hateress and revenge. You are frustrated so bad that you want to tear everything down. This is because you have assumed everything outside of Iran is neat and innocence. You supposition is absolutely wrong. There are ills in the Western world too only different in nature. You have assumed that everything that looks Iranian or Islamic is bad. You are dead wrong. Why don’t you come and leave in the West and learn what the real life is. You have to work down to ass to get some money from those who admire most. If you believe Isreal is a paradise and a land of milk and honey as has been said before, why don’t you go there and live. If there are prolems in Iran is because of peopel like you who have no respect for the law and other fellow Iranians The only thing you and people like you have learned is to point your forefinger to others and make false accusations. I like to know what would you have done if you were the president right now. The first thing you would do is to bring you family and relatives and give them office. You better cure your heart and mind of hatred and revenge before hellfire.
Mr. Shapour
How did I know what you stood for, what your idealogy is and who you support? How did I know even before you mentioned in your paragraph “Moslem world”?! For me, everytime I read your comments, everytime I read Islamic Republics’ paper and everytime I read about Islam, I am so glad I left the religion which teaches nothing but deception, lies, barbarism , looting, raping and beating up women! Your dishoesty and deception, which incidently stems from Islam and particularly Shiite branch of it, is so clear to me and everyone who is a bit educated about the matter of Middle-east. On one hand, you claim that your tax dollar is paying for the Science and everything else in Israel, and on the other hand, you are telling me Your government of Allah, Islamic Republic of Iran, has accomplished a lot over the course of 30 years they have been in power! Wow… 2 questions; 1 - if you live in Iran, why is your tax dollar going to support Israeli sciences? And if u you live outside of Iran, why don’t you go back to the same filth you and your Allah government have created for Iranians?! Han? Why
But going back to the issues we discussed, The Islam World” you mentioned, I don’t recognize! To me, it’s Islam who has brought poverty, filth, barbarism, deception and all the ills of the society. It’s people like you and Islamic Republic of Iran, who are epitome and embodiment of all the crimes by IRI and all the backwardness. I salute Israeli for their perseverance to pursue Hamas terroroists. I was so happy to see Israelis to have dealt a sever blow to Islamic Republic of Iran and it’s leaders Khamenie and Hamadinejad, for, they are the ones resposible for the misery of our people in my homeland. If you were really a decent human being, and loved your country, your first and foremost thought would have been with your countrymen, how the women are beaten by the government, how the students are being jailed by the government, and how IRI cracks down on innocent people who only speak their mind. You, people like you and Islamic Republic of Iran are ONE true anti-Iranians who are sucking on Iranian blood for your own disgraceful survival. But, if indeed, my tax dollars living in the US going for Israelis to fight Islamic barbarism, I would say to them, God bless you for your effort being in forefront of fight agaist the Islamic filth. Your own goverment whom you support, has had Billions and billions of revenue from selling oil. But they are so incomptenet, and corrupt, no one knows where the money is. If you really wanna care about Moslem world, my suggestion to you is, cleaning up starts with home. Stopping crime starts ith your homeland. Go, and take care of your own people in Iran, youdon’t need to worry about bunch of Palestinains who hate Iranians, and were so happy to see Saddam was beating Iran. Learn from Israeli know-how, technology, Science, medecine, and particularly their decency and humanity rather than hating them. Decency and humanity is something you and your government of Allah is so estanged with, else you guys wouldn’t have done what you hav been doing to Iran in the past 30 miserable years. پاينده ايران درود بر اسرائيل
Mr. Mohammad Tabatabaee
If you are so fascinated by the Isrealis, why don’t you change your name to something like ‘Moshe Tabaee’ and change your nationality to Isreali citizenship. There is no doublt that Isrealis have been making progress in various fields along many other nations, but at what price?? and whose money? With the American and European tachnology and tax payers money that also includes me. You better enrich your mind with some historical facts about how Isreal was established and how they used violent and murderous tactics to ethnically purge Palestine from its native people. Open your eyes and don’t mix nonsense anti-Arab rhetheric with the facts. There have been millions of people protesting against the Zionist aggression and killings in the past few weeks all over the world. This also includes thousands of educated elite from the US and Europe. There are puppet regimes that are supported by the West to invade and destroy other countries like Iran in the Middle East. Isrealis destroyed the nuclear power plant of Iraq so that it would not be fallen into the hands of anti-Saddam groups aligned with Iran. Who overthrew the Mossadegh regime in 1950 and who benefited from it. The idea of Isreal in the heart of Muslim world has been to create wars and instability in the region so that Muslim countries remain engaged in constant discord and war forever. That blooming desert is absolute nonsense and is breaking down with drought. Today in Iran our young scientists are conducting research that we could have never been done it under the Shah’s regime Because the regime of the Shah was puppet and mercenary of Americans Viva Iran under Iranian patriots.
We Iranians, rather than hating Israel, we should start learning from them. For, it was them who have saved us few times from many catasrophes. Your comparison of typical Shitte Molla’s brain-washing technics, has nothing to do with South Africa. My suggestion to you is to get your facts straight before you write something. If it wasn’t for Israel, Iraq could’ve developed nuclear bomd during Iran-Iraq war, and part of what you call “vatan” , undoubtedly, would have been void of habitants. Israel was the only country in the Middle East who let the hijacked Iranian airliner land when the pilot let the Israeli know the aircraft was running low on fuel. Imagine what your government of Allah would’ve done, if Israel was in the same situation. This the difference between them and us. They are the ones who introduced modern agricultural technic to Iran and they were active in eradicating some of the deseases in Iran in Shah’s time. The list goes on and on. But you, your government, and unfortunately some of our “hamvatans” are so trenched in their hatred for the Israel, that no matter what Israel does, they give it a negative and cynic spin. Quite honestly, I am disgusted with Iranians for their hatred towards Israel. I have come across some pictures so called “civilian casualties” in Gaza , and most of these have been doctored, and changed. One of the pictures is actually from Turkey devastating earthquake, when an Israeli is trying to help the children get out of the rubbles. Hamas, with the help of your murderer government has falsely used that picture for Gaza. We should learn from Israeli, their perseverance, their insatiable apetite for Science, Medicine and humanity. They made the desert bloom, their technology is being used all over the world and they are producing one or two Noble Prize winner ayear. A country this small deserve it to on top of the world, and frankly, this is the exact reason some of us hate them so much.
پاينده ايران
Mr. Mohammad Tabatabaee
Let’s not mix politics with realities on the ground. Whatever Isreal has done in the past has been total catastrophe. Look! Isreal is suffering from drought. Right now, they are installing 10-15 more desalination plants on the Mediterraneam coast. The Negev desert that they converted to green is coming back to haunt them. Second, they are in a state of constant war with their neighbors for survival. Third their economy and industry can not survive without American and European charities. Fourth, even if there is going to be a separate Palestinian state next door, they will not be saved because if you look at the map they will be narrowed right across from West bank. They do not have territorial and strategic depth. Fifth, what are they going to do with millions of the refugees scattered in the neighboring countries they want to return to their ancestral lands. The only peaceful solution to the current crisis is one-state solutuin in which they will be outnumbered by Palestinian refugees. Isrealis will face the same destiny that the white minority faced in South Africa..
به نظرمن نه تنها اسرائيل برنده جنگ بوده بلكه مشت محكمى هم به جمهورى اسلامى و آقاى خامنه ائى زده است٠ من راستش خيلى هم خوشحالم بخاطر پيروزى اسرائيل٠ هموطنانى كه در اينجا به اسرائيل فحش مي دهند دو سه نكته يادشون نره٠ ١ بعضي از اين عكسها قلابى است و مونتاژ شده درست مثل كارهاى ديگه جمهورى اسلامى دوم همين فلسطينيها چه طرفدارى از عراق ميكردند در زمان جنگ ٠ به اميد پيروزى بار ديگر اسرائيل بر حزب الله و پاينده ايران
با سلام
به نظر من اسرائیل جنایتکار و کودک کش نه تنها از مقاومت شکست خورد و عقب نشینی نمود ثابت گردید همیشه حق بر باطل پیروز است این وعده خداوند است و حق مطلق می باشد .
Imagine if Isreal did not have the full support of the US and the Europeans. Imagine if Isreal did not have the silence and cooperation of some Arab regimes. Imagine if Isreal did not have all the advanced military technology donated for free by the Western countries. Imagine if Hamas had just a few advance technology that Isreal has. Who would win the war.Today Isreali soldiers have no motivation and faith to fight because they are brain-washed and do not understand why they are fighting for. They are only good at dropping bombs on innocent civilians and shelling schools, hospitals, mosques and infrastructure of their enemy. Isrealies believe they are chosen people and superior than other races and nations. That’s the reason for their failures throughout the history. What happened in GAZA in the last few weeks is exactly what happened during the Ahzab war in Medineh. We will have to wait and see what will happen in the in the region in the next few months, but Isreal will not be the same again.
Isreal for sure lost the war. Yes, they won the war by
killing 1200 people and wounding 5000 and destroying thousands of homes. But they lost the war because they could not achieve their primary goals which were to stop firing rockets by Hamas, to kill all top Hamas leaders and secure Isreali towns north and east of GAZA and give GAZA to Mr. Abbas. This was despite the fact that they imposed total censurship on the number of casualties and wounded they had. Isreal has always had a quick and awesome victories against its neighbors in the past. But since the emergence of Hizbullah and Hams, the role of the game has changed. If Hamas improves the range of its missiles and sets up an effective anti-air defense, Isreal will have not a chance to get near GAZA.This was the first time Palestinians really fought against Isrealis in the last 60 years. All previous wars were lost to Isreal. Isreal is only superior in air and artillery and committing war crimes like Gangiz forces. They lost to a bunch of zealous but organized young fighters that had faith in GOD.i-